Retinol Creme


Skin Care Products

Test method

Patch Tests


Retinol Creme


Sylphar NV

Product info:

Our Organic Cream with Hero Ingredient Retinol is the perfect anti-ageing night cream for all skin types. The special ingredient complex with genuine retinol, shea butter, olive oil and vitamin E stimulates collagen synthesis in deep skin layers and renews the skin from the inside out. The organic aloe vera base combined with intensively nourishing organic shea butter provides the skin with long-lasting and rich moisture and supports the revitalisation of the skin. The skin becomes more even, purer, and smoother. Pigmentation spots, pimple marks and other imperfections fade. Wrinkles are smoothed out. With the sensual scent of green figs and rich care for the night, our cream pampers and regenerates the skin. Each application is like a short holiday moment, reminiscent of a balmy summer night under the starry canopy of a Greek island.

Dermatest® test procedure:

Epicutaneous testing (Patch testing) under dermatological control. The test product was applied once occlusively for 24 hours on 30 subjects with all skin types. Skin assessments have been performed before and 24, 48 and 72 hours after application. No subject showed any irritative skin reactions during this study. Thus, it can be concluded that the product does not have high irritation potential and the product will not cause adverse skin reactions when properly used.

The Dermatest seal:

When it comes to your skin, it is all the more important for you to know which products are dermatologically tested and safe. Certificates like those from us as an independent institute help you to assess the safety of products. Retinol Creme met our basic test requirements and therefore it receives our Dermatest® Guarantee Seal.



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