
Cleaning Products

Test method

Application Tests




SkinLove Ruhr GmbH

Product info:

At least 85% of all teenagers and 40% of all young adults worldwide suffer from acne symptoms like pimples and irritated skin. Based on our year long research in the field of biomedical applications of plasma technology we developed a device that effectively combats blemished skin while promoting general well-being. Glim Skin is a portable cosmetic device that provides a knowledge-based solution to skin imperfections through the use of cold plasma without the use of chemical additives. It enables all users to take charge of their own skin care and improve the quality of their lives by enhancing their confidence. For more information, you can visit us on Discover your Glim – Love your Skin.

Dermatest test procedure:

Clinical application study under dermatological control. The test product was applied during a period of four weeks by 20 subjects once a day onto the body. From the clinical-dermatological point of view, no relevant skin reactions occurred in the test area; the product was tolerated excellently.
Neither intolerance reactions suggestive of irritation nor allergic reactions (contact dermatitis) were detected. Accordingly, from the dermatological viewpoint, there is no high potential for irritation and sensitization for the tested product when this is used as intended.

The Dermatest seal:

When it comes to your skin, it is all the more important for you to know which products are dermatologically tested and safe. Certificates like those from us as an independent institute help you to assess the safety of products. GLIM Skin met the highest test requirements and therefore received the “5-star-guarantee” seal.



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