Safety assessment according to Art. 10 Regulation (EC) 1223/2009
According to Art. 3 of the European Cosmetics Regulation, the safety of a cosmetic product is of paramount importance. As part of the safety assessment according to Art. 10 of Regulation (EC) 1223/2009, the following properties of the cosmetic product are to be evaluated in the form of a safety report, according to Annex I of the Regulation:
- Quantitative and qualitative composition of the product
- Physical/chemical properties and stability of the cosmetic product
- Microbiological quality
- Impurities, traces, information on the packaging material
- Normal and reasonably foreseeable use
- Exposure to the cosmetic product
- Exposure to substances
- Toxicological profiles of the substances
- Adverse effects and serious adverse effects
- Information about the cosmetic product
- Warnings on the label and instructions for use
Please contact us if you have any questions at all about safety assessments.