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Dermatest Korea Ltd.

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Dermatest Korea just lounged it’s very own Naver blog to keep local customer up to date
Dermatest Establishes New Location in Seoul
Münster, Germany, February 7th. 2022 The German independent dermatological test institute Dermatest is expanding into the Far East. In January of this year, a new office was opened in the Korean capital Seoul, from where three employees will personally tend to the interests of the company’s customers on-site and continue expanding the Asian market.
Certified Safety for Cosmetics, Made in Korea
Asia has always been an important market for Dermatest, with Korea specifically standing out time and again with innovations in cosmetics that have influenced industry trends world-wide. Establishing a presence on the ground was the next logical step for Dermatest.
“Opening up our Korean location is an important milestone for our family-run company. We are looking forward to serve the almost 300 existing customers in the APAC region personally from now on. Seoul is also the stepping stone to expand the market even further and to strengthen Dermatest’s international focus“, says CEO Marcel Voss about the expansion to Korea.
Dermatest’s Head of Sale Liane Bolke, who oversees the company’s new branch from Germany, agrees: “Korea is one of the leading countries on cosmetics internationally. Dermatest wants to contribute to K-Beauty becoming even better known for their safe and skin friendly products, setting new beauty standards along the way.“
Paramount for Dermatest: Health of Consumers Always a Priority
The Dermatest Seal of Approval has stood for consumer safety for more than 44 years. Only products that meet stringent criteria receive the sought-after seal.
As a hidden champion, Dermatest works in a niche of the cosmetics market: Dermatologic testing. “Even if end consumers have never heard of Dermatest and it’s anything but a household name, every single person has very probably used a Dermatest-certified product in their life“, says Senior Marketing Manager Mathis Korn. Certified products range from decorative cosmetics and skin care to sanitary products and even other objects of daily use, like protective work wear.
Different Seals for Different Requirements
Depending on customer wishes, Dermatest tests products in different ways. The portfolio includes safety assessments, epicutaneous tests, in-vitro analyses as well as application testing. Only products that have successfully passed the epicutaneous test receive the Dermatest Seal of Approval. Products tested intensely on tolerability receive the 3-Star-Seal, while the 5-Star-Seal is awarded to products who have been tested in a clinical study, not only on irritation potential, but also sensitizing potential.