The Dermatest seal
Our guidelines for the correct use of the seal
Table of Contents
An independent seal of approval creates confidence
Our mark of responsibility
The Dermatest seal of approval is a customer-centric label that is well known & recognized worldwide for independently tested products that have successfully passed our testing procedures and are safe to use. With this guide, we would like to support you in using the seal in a correct way to safeguard and protect your and our brand. This seal helps your brand to secure a market share and drive a higher sell-through.
Our Dermatest seals are awarded to products which have passed our testing, depending on the extent and intensity of the testing. The type of testing is visible on each seal. Therefore it is important that you make sure you use the correct seal – suitable for your product and visible on each layout.
Focus when shopping
A wide range of cosmetics and consumer goods is available in retail. Consumers want to be confident that products are safe and effective for their skin. Seeing the Original Dermatest seal on products helps your customers to find their way in the wide range of products. Consumers are coming across the Original Dermatest seal more and more, not only in product advertising in print and online media, but also particularly on product packaging in the retail sector. The seal creates confidence in the safety of the product!
The Dermatest seal FAQs
The top 4 questions when it comes to usage on layouts
1. Are we allowed to change the shape or color of the seal?
2. Can the seal be used in other languages?
Choose a language that suits your product’s target market. It’s important to be aware that translating into languages other than German and English may come with additional costs. We already have supported various languages. If you have specific language requirements, don’t hesitate to contact us.
3. Can the date on the seal be removed?
4. Can the URL banner/flag be removed?
Application and specifications
Protective zone and minimum size
Protective zone
Minimum size
The seal in landscape format can be continuously reduced to a minimum size of 15 mm in height, as required. For the vertical seal, the minimum size corresponds to a width of 15 mm. As long as the requirements of ISO 15223-1 are compiled, smaller seal icon size are also possible.
Dermatest seal on images
If you need to add contrast, for example, by highlighting the Dermatest seal on images and colored surfaces, you can place a white outline around the seal. The outline should be at least three times as thick as the blue outline of the circle element.
Graphic elements / eye catcher
Working with our Consumer-Line
Specifications regarding the protected zone and the minimum size must be applied in exactly the same way. It is also possible to combine the seals of the “Consumer Line” with our seals of the already known “Science Line”.
Application and specifications
Usage of color
The two main colors of Dermatest are anchored in the corporate design and are also to be used as such in the seals.
The original Dermatest seal colors might not perfectly match your packaging, layout or creative elements but they have the highest recognition effect for potential clients and customers. This fact is proven in many studies. The seal is used in several product categories all over the globe.
Usage on colored surfaces
Application and specifications
Incorrect uses and basic rules
What not to do
In addition to the many freedoms and possibilities in dealing with the design elements, it is nevertheless essential to point out the limits.
Basically, all changes to the brand and deviations from the design principle described in this style guide should be avoided.
If you have any questions regarding specific applications or the set of rules in general or in particular, please contact the person listed at the back of the style guide.
Usage on websites when testing multiple products
If it comes to an overall info about the Dermatest seal on your website, please use always the latest seal incl. the respective date. Seals without a date are not allowed to use.
Licence framework
Usage rights & transcription
Usage rights of the Dermatest seal
Possibilities of Dermatest seal usage
Mandatory labeling epicutaneous testing detergents and cleaning products
When using the seal on detergents and cleaning products, our seal may only be used in combination with the following asterisk reference: “*the testing and statement on compatibility refers to the use concentration of the product in connection with the instructions for use”. The sentence can be placed on every side of the packaging as long it can be found by the end consumer.
White label production – how can my subsidiary company or customer benefit from the Dermatest seal a product received?
Example: Your subsidiary company or customer is using the Dermatest certificate and/or the claim for further products. Is a separate regulation (re-subscription) required for this?
In both cases, a transfer of the test results to new name variants of the product or new distributors is required. It is a legal requirement to present a document confirming the claim obtained by testing. Additionally, for the use of the Dermatest seal, you need our approval and an extension of the usage agreement in our system. This requires a new document that clearly assigns the new distributor and/or the new variant of the product name to our seal and testing.
Our brand analysis team scans the market to ensure the correct use of the Dermatest seal. Use (by your sister company/client or for a name variation) without our express permission will lead to legal issues that both parties should avoid.

Layout approval & contact details
Practical and valid verification of desired advertising claims
We would be proud to support your company with the correct and reliable use of the Dermatest seal:
Your contact person:
Tim Meyersick-Püchel
+49 (0) 251 481 637 27
Please send us all on-/offline artwork/layouts, incl. the respective certificate that bear a Dermatest seal in high-res for approval at least ten working days before publication/use to:
The aim is to protect the consumer from misuse of the seal.
How exactly the Dermatest seal may be used can be found in this guide. For additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact our Marketing department any time.