oecolife Toilettenpapier 60% Stroh


Cleaning Products, Hygiene Products

Test method

Patch Tests


oecolife Toilettenpapier 60% Stroh


Fripa Papierfabrik KG

Product info:

Oecolife is a new brand, created to offer consumers sustainable, environmentally friendly hygienepaper-products, which are plastic free, vegan and resource efficient produced in Germany.

The toiletpaper products are packed in an unique “craft paper” bag, which is completely new to the market.

The straw toiletpaper is made of at least 60% of quickly renewable raw materials, which offer new opportunities, when it comes to hygiene paper production.

Oecolife is the first brand developed by Fripa Papierfabrik Albert Friedrich KG, a family-owned company, with an over 100 year old history. Based in Miltenberg Fripa is one of the most modern hygiene paper manufacturers in Europe. Always focused on sustainable processes, efficient use of energy and gentle use of natural resources.

Dermatest® test procedure:

Epicutaneous testing (Patch testing) under dermatological control. The test product was applied once occlusively for 24 hours on 30 subjects with sensitive skin. Skin assessments have been performed before and 24, 48 and 72 hours after application. No subject showed any irritative skin reactions during this study. Thus, it can be concluded that the product does not have high irritation potential and the product will not cause adverse skin reactions when properly used.

The Dermatest seal:

When it comes to your skin, it is all the more important for you to know which products are dermatologically tested and safe. Certificates like those from us as an independent institute help you to assess the safety of products. oecolife Toilettenpapier 60% Stroh met our basic test requirements and therefore it receives our Dermatest® Guarantee Seal.